​To Attention triathlete license holders! We would like to inform you that from today we are refusing plastic cards and switching to an online license format. At the same time, all the advantages that the KTF triathlete license gives are preserved, only its appearance changes....

16 March 2022

Yesterday in Bahrain was held 2022 Asian Triathlon Duathlon Championship. Athletes from Australia, Bahrain, Jordan, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and the Philippines took part in the event. Kazakhstan in the Elite category was represented by national team members Ayan Beisenbaev, Meirlan Iskakov...

15 March 2022

KTF race director about the federation plans for 2022 The previous two years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, were not fully filled with sporting events. But the disease is slowly disappearing, and despite the current political situation, 2022 promises to be very full of big...

10 March 2022

We continue to implement the technical officials education and development program and launch an online course to train level 1 TOs. The course consists of lectures that will be held from 7 to 11 February. The lecturer will be the Chairman of the KTF TO...

5 February 2022

We invite  Age Group and Pro athletes to take part in the 2022 races held under the auspices of the Kazakhstan Triathlon Federation. Seven triathlon races and three Challenge events are waiting for Kazakh athletes from April to September. Among the innovations of this season:...

27 January 2022

The Kazakhstan Triathlon Federation notifies all triathletes that it is forced to cancel the Shymkent-Tashkent event due to the unstable situation associated with the spread of coronavirus infection and the unimpeded crossing of state borders. Such a transnational requires careful preparation, which is what our...

26 January 2022

Triathlon fans in our country are waiting for 7 races within the TEMIRADAM Cup. We are sure that you have planned a competitive schedule for 2022, but with a KTF triathlete license, participation in all competitions both within the country and abroad will become even...

22 January 2022
Ranking leaders
Calendar of Events