Today in Astana took a place, a historic event in the life of the triathlon. The National Triathlon Federation of Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan formed the Central Asian Triathlon Association (CATA).
The first meeting of CATA was held within the walls of Nazarbayev University, during which the Constitution was adopted, a memorandum of cooperation and understanding was signed and an Executive Committee was elected. Following the meeting, the parties should agree that the main goal of CATA will be the development and popularization of the triathlon in Eastern Europe, as well as ensuring a single position in the Asian Confederation of Triathlon (ASTC), which will give an additional impetus to the development of triathlon in Central Asia region as a whole and will allow athletes, coaches and technical delegates to freely share their experiences. The same, CATA members intend to use their forces to deliberately and uncompromisingly combat the factors and procedures prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agent (WADA) and the International Triathlon Union (ITU).
The vice president of KTF and the head of the Almaty Triathlon Federation, Galimzhan Yessenov, were elected as the head of CATA, for which the meeting participants voted unanimously. In turn, Galimzhan Yessenov in his election speech notes that he will make every effort for the fruitful work of CATA, which will achieve maximum results.
The meeting was chaired by the President of the Kazakhstan Triathlon Federation Karim Massimov with the participation of the Secretary General of the National Triathlon federation of Uzbekistan Leonid Blokhin, the President and Secretary General of the Triathlon Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic Chyngyz Alkanova and Elena Lyzhina-Polchinkova. The meeting was attended by KTF Vice-President Aydin Rakhimbayev, KTF General Secretary Maxim Kriat, KTF Executive Director Assylzhan Dostiyarov and member of the ATF Board of Trustees Valikhan Ten.