Presenting a fake PCR test result - DSQ for one year

Unfortunately, recently in our country, cases of presentation of fake PCR testing results and vaccination passports have become more frequent. Our events did not bypass such cases: at the last events we had to request re-testing on the spot, since the certificates were manipulated through various programs, the dates and other data changed, which was confirmed by the QR codes.
The Kazakhstan Triathlon Federation reminds that each athlete or team is fully responsible for the correctness and relevance of the data they provide when registering for the event (clause 5.4 of the Participant's Agreement). We warn you that henceforth, for presenting a fake PCR test result, the athlete will be DISQUALIFIED FOR ONE YEAR from participating in our competitions.
We urge you to follow all generally accepted precautions: wear a face mask, maintain hand hygiene and social distancing. Do not violate the law and generally accepted ethical standards! Always remember that by submitting a fake document, you endanger not only other race participants, but also their families and friends.