Think up a slogan for KTF

Attention! Competition for the best slogan!
We are announcing the contest "Think up a slogan for KTF". Deadline December 20, 2021.
We expect bright and memorable phrases from the participants that can become the Kazakhstan Triathlon Federation's slogan.
Anyone can become the author of the KTF official slogan, regardless of age and place of residence. We will accept no more than three slogans from one participant.
The application must be sent to the email address with the note “KTF slogan” before the deadline expires.
Before sending, participants should familiarize themselves with the requirements:
• brevity and conciseness - slogans should contain no more than five words;
• slogans can reflect the core values of triathlon as an Olympic sport: endurance, equality, clean sport, strength, solidarity, gender equality, etc.
• slogans should not coincide with the names of works of science, literature or art known in Kazakhstan, characters or quotations from such works;
• slogans should not contain the name and pseudonym of well-known personalities in Kazakhstan;
• the content of slogans should not contradict public interests, as well as the principles of humanity and morality (should not contain profanity, insults, signs of discrimination, calls for violence, promote an unhealthy lifestyle, etc.);
• slogans should not include the words "Republic of Kazakhstan" or "Kazakhstan", as well as words derived from them;
• originality and uniqueness - the participant guarantees and confirms that he is the author of the slogan;
• the slogan must not repeat / duplicate or otherwise coincide with the slogans of other organizations, including must not be similar to previously registered slogans as trademarks.
Only one author can win the competition. The name of the winner will be announced no later than December 25, 2021.
The lucky one will receive the main prize from #triathlonorgkz - free slots for all events planned under the auspices of the KTF for 2022!